Shoshoni Team Captains

Jesi: I am in my final year at Eastern Illinois University.  My major is Elementary 
          Education, with a concentration in psychology.  I had a great time with our team and 
          hope you enjoy our website!
Jessica: I am currently a senior at Eastern Illinios University.  I am majoring in 
          Elementary Education with a concentration in math.  I really enjoyed working with the 
          students during Project W.O.W.  I hope you find our website informational and 
Amy: Thank you Carl Sandburg third graders! You made this semester so much fun for us!
My Website! (more about me)
Cheryl: I am a senior at EIU majoring in Elementary Education with a concentration in 
          music.  I had a lot of fun in Project W.O.W. and I will miss the third graders that we 
          worked with!

Our Reflections and Conclusions

The Shoshoni were one of the few remaining Native American Tribes that were untouched by American contact before they met Lewis and Clark.  The tribe and its members did not know the "white man," but they still helped Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery by giving them food and horses to cross the mountains.  Without the Shoshoni, the expedition would not have survived!

We can learn a lot from the Shoshoni.  They shared what they had with the Americans even though they needed it for themslves to survive the winter.  They were friendly to men that they had never met and had no idea who or what they were.  The Shoshoni protected them and agreed to meet the President (their new "Father") and  make peace with their rivals for the "white man."  The were faithful and wonderful people to Lewis and Clark.  What a great example!

Our FieldTrip
Sample of Childrens' Work
Favorite Links:
Our Time line and KidPix Art
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