
                                                                 T hinker

                                                                 H ero

                                                                 O rganizer

                                                                 M an of many talents

                                                                 A merica’s President

                                                                 S cholar

                                                                 J ournalist

                                                                 E xplorer

                                                                 F earless

                                                                 F amous politician

                                                                 E ntrepreneur

                                                                 R efined

                                                                 S ophisticated

                                                                 O pportunity seeker

                                                                 N ational Leader

    Thomas Jefferson was a great leader of The United States of America.  He accomplished many things throughout his lifetime and selflessly contributed much to the Untied States.  Without his curiosity of exploring the west or his persistence in the acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase, the United States might be more than half the size it is today.  With all of his dedicated work and contribution, there have been only a few other presidents that have impacted the United States as much as Thomas Jefferson.

Studen'ts Work

Dalton pretends he his a news reporter and reports about Thomas Jefferson's life.

Megan outline the Louisiana Purchace and colors in the mountains.

Jay learns how Jefferson and Lewis communicated in code.

Jacob creates a conversation about something Lewis might say to Jefferson

Thomas prepares his KidPix page.

Peighton does her KidPix page on Jefferson's talents and achievements

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