Mini Field Trip

field trip pic
Back row: Miss Fandl, Miss Loddeke, Mr. Malehorn, Miss Dubina
Front row: Erica, Alyssa, Victoria, and Nick

We went on a mini field to hear Mr. Malehorn.  Mr. Malehorn plays a school teacher from Lincoln's time. He taught us many different things about what school was like in the mid 1800's. He talked about the books they used at this time.  One book he talked about was a rhyming book that had rhymes for every letter of the alphabet.  He talked about how Lincoln was educated and went to different schools.  School during this time only lasted about four months out of the year because the students had commitments at home to uphold.

This is what our team had to say about the mini field trip:

"It was interesting," said Alyssa.

"I liked it because he taught us about the old days; it was fun to learn," said Nick.

"I learned at Abe Lincoln went to different schools and earned a degree for law," said Erica

Pictures from the mini field trip.


