Links to Learn More


    Freedman, Russel. (1987). Lincoln A Photobiography. New York, NY: Clarion Books.  

  McGovern, Ann. If You Grew Up with Abraham Lincoln. Scholastic Inc.       

  Winters, Kay & Carpenter, Nancy. (2003) Abe Lincoln: A Boy Who Loved Books. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Abraham Lincoln
Information for this site is provided by the Lincoln Institute. It includes any information you would ever want to know about Abrham Lincoln and provides links to other informative sites on Lincoln.
Mr. Lincoln's White House
This site is an extention of the one listed above. This site includes all the important fact about Abraham Lincoln and the White House in additon to providing links to learn moe about Abraham and his Family.
Lincoln's Patent
Provided by Abraham Lincoln Online, this educational link explain Lincoln's love of inventions. It includes a photo of lincolns invention and explains how he was the only United States president to hold a patent.
A Presidential Patent
This site shows an article from Scientific American around the time of the Civil War. The author of this provides an explanation for the article and provides a photocopy of the original newspaper article.
Abraham Lincoln's Bicentennial

Lincoln's Bicentennial 1809-2009 is closely approaching to the celebration of Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday. This site provides information to kids about Abraham Lincoln as well as provided other information, games, quizzes and even a Podcast.