Lesson 4

1.      Title:  Lincoln and invention 1800-1830

2.      Broad Goals:  Students will know and understand inventions that improved the lives of people living during 1809-1830. 

3.   Standards:  National standard- VII. Science, Technology and Society a. identify and describe examples in which science and technology have changed the lives of people, such as in homemaking, childcare, work, transportation, and communication                        State standard- 16.A.1b Ask historical questions and seek out answers from historical sources (e.g., myths, biographies, stories, old photographs, artwork, other visual or electronic sources)

4.      Lesson Objective: My third grade social studies students will demonstrate their knowledge by completing a work sheet on inventions during the 1800-1830’s with complete accuracy after reading, small group discussion.  

           5.      Materials:  Paper, colored pencils, glue 

6.      List Recourses:

Freedman, Russell (1987). Lincoln A Photo Biography
            New York, NY: Clarion Books

McGovern, Ann (1992). If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln
            New York
, NY: Scholastic





7.      Focusing Activity:  After reading a paragraph about rivers, I will ask my students to think about and answer these questions about the rivers in Illinois.

How have the rivers been important to people who settled in Illinois? (Travel

 transportation, and trade routes.)

Why were settlements built along the rivers? (Rivers were important for farming, good soil, moving the goods to other locations.

What could farmers do with rivers if the region was dry? (Irrigation)

Then the students will identify the rivers important rivers in Illinois on a map. (Illinois, Rock, Mississippi, Kaskaskia, Wabash, Ohio

8.      Purpose:  Student will understand the many events and inventions that took place during Abraham Lincoln’s life time.

9.      Instruction: We will be discussing three things. Inventions that enhanced our lives, transportation, and how these occurred during Lincoln’s life time. The teacher will have a time line on display.  We will discuss Lincoln’s life and post on the time line important events in his life. Next the students will discuss how inventions have changed our lives for the better.

The students will identify several pictures of inventions that evolved during Lincoln’s life time. I will have the students predict what they think these items are and what they do. Then I will give the students information on these inventions and how they helped make our lives better so the students may compare the real use of the invention to their prediction.  Once inventions have been identified, the students will place the picture of the invention on the time line at the time they were invented.

Next, we will discuss major events that took place such as the war of 1812 and it effect on America, the building of the National Road, The Erie Canal, and the change in transportation. .  From this the students will see how many new and exciting things were happening during Lincoln’s life time.

           10.  Modeling and Guided Practice- Students will have new vocabulary (telegraph, Trough, steam engine, stethoscope, grease lamps, rush light, and fiction matches). They will match these words to                     pictures and identify their purpose. The teacher will show an example of what is expected from the students.

Conclusion- The students will discuss with the class their favorite invention they learned about that day and add these pictures that they received to the Lincoln and invention books that they have                     continued to make through each lesson.

~This lesson was inventeed by Laura Westcott