Everyone Loves a Field Trip!!

We are always at Carl Sandburg so we thought we would invite the students to visit some very special people at Eastern Illinois University.

The theme was Lincoln and his jobs. The students learned in an earlier lesson that Abraham Lincoln had many jobs  before he became President. Among them were being a store clerk, and he even was an inventor!

Lincoln patented a device that lifted boats, but it was never manufactured. Mr. Leydon showed us many cool inventions!

Next we saw Mr. Ben Smith who works at the Charleston Wal-Mart. He has done many jobs there so he was very knowledgeable when answering all of our questions!


After we saw both presentations we headed back to the computer lab to work on our concept maps. First as a group we made a big concept map with different interesting facts about Lincoln. After we got the wheels in our heads turning, the students were let loose to work on their own maps!