Mini Field Trips
February 22, 2008: Today we worked on the computers to find credible websites for our Project WOW website. This is to go under the Links to Learn More heading on the main page. We also began our concept map. To do this we linked together the ideas we learned from our lessons to the main topic of reconstruction. We also explored new ideas for this website. We looked at several pictures of Lincoln, his life, and reconstruction.

February 29, 2008: Today we went on three mini field trips. We listened to a surveyor talk about how he measures land and plans out maps on our first trip. On our second trip we put our concept map on a computer which you can see on another link from the main page. On our third field trip we listened to the Charleston postmaster, Mr. Harold Hackett. He talked about how mail was delivered in the 1800's. He also gave us activity books that taught us about the great places in America. He showed us a very old soft leather mailbag and told us that Abraham Lincoln didn't make much money delivering mail.
