Overview of WOW Lessons

Lesson #1 Lincoln’s Childhood
        The first lesson was an introductory lesson. The main purpose was to introduce ourselves to the students, get to know them and introduce them to Abraham Lincoln. Students learned about life on the frontier for the Lincoln family. They compared Abe’s life to their own childhood. This lesson’s goal was to provide background information about Lincoln so as to acclimate the students with American values of the time, and when we start talking about inventions, why some things were very revolutionary and changed the way of life.

Lesson #2 Life on the Circuit
        This lesson focused on Lincoln’s life as a lawyer. Lincoln spent more years as a lawyer than he did a president or legislator. The students participated in a reader’s theater of actual court cases. They learned of some of the problems going on at the time. They also learned of the difficulties of living on the circuit but that Abe thoroughly loved it. Again the stresses of life during the mid 19th century were reinforced to students, so as to give them insight of what life was like and help them form their own ideas of what was important and why certain inventions drastically changed life for the better even if they aren’t in use anymore.

Lesson #3 Abraham the President
        This is the final lesson that directly relates to the life of Abe. The main goal of this lesson is to give the students insight into the election of 1860, the presidency and the civil war. Students will delve into reasons for the civil war, the Ideals that divided the country and how ultimately one man, Abraham, brought the country back together. The lesson will provide a great transition into the last three lessons that will deal directly with the theme. Here we will discuss the ideals that divided the nation, ones that were common throughout and how the country was again reunited.

Lesson #4 the Telegraph
        The major part of this lesson is to recreate the telegraph with the students. Students will be introduced to Samuel Morse and the telegraph. Connections will be made to Abe and life with and without this vital line of communication. Students will actually participate in reconstructing an actual telegraph, and once completed they will be able to send and interpret messages in Morse Code.  They will receive a primary source duplicate of the first Morse code message and will appreciate that Pres. Lincoln kept in touch with his generals on the battlefields through use of the telegraph.

Lesson #5-- Life in city or on the farm
        This lesson will focus on ideals and way of life in the city or on the farm. The students will compare and contrast between these two ways of life. They will note ideals specific to each way of life and those that are common to both. Students will also learn of the major changes that occurred as a result of war and major inventions.
Lesson #6-- Overview of 19th Century Inventions
    Since this is the last lesson, we will focus on the board picture of all inventions created during the period of Abe's life. Students will see pictures and modern day versions of many inventions that were created during the mid- nineteenth century. Students will also discuss Abraham Lincoln's invention and eventual patent for the flat boat.  Lincoln is the only president to hold a U.S. patent.  His invention would have helped flatboats to lift free of sandbars.