Abraham Lincoln Poem


Abraham Lincoln, yes that is my name.

Thomas and Nancy are the two who gave me my fame.

Born in Kentucky on a cold February day

Sibling of 5, but they never stood in my way

18 months of schooling was all it took

But in that time I sure kept my head in my book

At 23 I began my career,

I wanted to be a lawyer and I had no fear


I was pretty good at law so I decided to “ride the circuit”

Let me tell you - I really worked it


I soon moved to Springfield and spent 4 years in the House of Rep

It didn’t take long to take that large step


In 1854, I stood out among the best

I spoke on the issue of slavery, well ahead of the rest


After this I continued with law, and I loved it a ton

I defended men for murder, and we definitely won


I loved the law and politics were always close

I was very good at it, but I don’t like to boast


I didn’t agree with most, especially when it came to Douglas

We had many debates, all in which I didn’t act bias


In 1858 we had our arguments over what was wrong and right

But it wasn’t until the election of 1860 that we had out biggest fight


Even though I may have lost the debates, that was still the year that Douglas really would pay

That was the year I became the 16th president of the USA!


Legislative, Judicial, and Executive were terms I came to know dearly

For those are the branches of our government and they need to be known clearly


Everyone still did not agree with what I said

I know many Americans still lived with dread


The constitution seemed to allow slavery

Something I found to be very unsavory


In 1862 I wrote my famous proclamation

We were all Americans and we needed one undivided nation.


My work in the end was definitely worth saving

For it helped create some things that were truly amazing


With my start, the constitution was amended

The things they added I certainly commended


The first 10 amendments were introduced together

Coined the Bill of Rights – they’re here for forever


The 13th amendment said the slaves were finally free

Something that made me full of glee


The 14th amendment secured our citizenship

Something every one should really worship


The 15th amendment allowed voting for all men

Former slaves were becoming equals and I give that a ten


I worked long and hard and earned my second term

I was reliable, dependable, and always very firm


I tried my hardest and fought for what was right

Persons like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King soon followed in my fight


I’m proud to say I was a president, the 16th that we know

I fought very hard for what was best and I hope it was able to show.

Written by Ms.Price & Ms.Huddleston
