*~Meet Our Team~*

Team pic
Team 7!!

Tyler Tyler
Grade: 3rd
Teacher: Mrs. Conwell
Favorite part of project WOW: Working on the Podcast and making the display board with Lincoln's quotes.
Favorite food: Chicken Fried Steak
Favorite subject: History and Science
Interesting fact about me: I am an athlete and "people say I'm funny."
Something new I learned about Lincoln: "Lincoln was shot on Good Friday and the steamboat case where Lincoln got sued."

Grade: 3rd
Teacher: Mrs. Miller
Favorite part of project WOW: Working on the Podcast and "I like reading."
Favorite food: Pizza and Mashed Potatoes
Favorite subject: Math and Reading
Interesting fact about me: "I'm a Cheerleader"
Something new I learned about Lincoln: "I didn't know he was born in 1809 and I didn't know that he was going to be 200."


Grade: 3rd
Teacher: Mrs. Miller
Favorite part of project WOW: Working on the Podcast
Favorite food: Pizza and Chicken Nuggets
Favorite subject: Math and Science
Interesting fact about me: "I like to read and I like to color."
Something new I learned about Lincoln: "I didn't know the he married Mary Todd."                                                    

Grade: 3rd
Teacher: Mrs. Miller
Favorite part of project WOW: "Learning about Abraham Lincoln and seeing his                                                         Cabin."
Favorite food: Hawaiian Chicken
Favorite subject: Reading
Interesting fact about me: "I like Panda's a lot!"
Something new I learned about Lincoln: "That they had out-houses instead of indoor bathrooms."

Grade: 3rd
Teacher: Mrs. Miller
Favorite part of project WOW: Learning about Lincoln and making the Time line
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite subject: "Lunch" :)
Interesting fact about me: "I like Math"
Something new I learned about Lincoln: "The first time Lincoln ran for senator he lost."

Grade: 3rd
Teacher: Mrs. Conwell
Favorite part of project WOW: Working on the Podcast
Favorite food: Mac n' Cheese and Waffles
Favorite subject: Math
Interesting fact about me: "I like to color and draw."
Something new I learned about Lincoln: I didn't know Lincoln had to wear dresses when he was little."

Meet The Teachers!!!!

ms.lawyer Ms. Lawyer

Hi! I am Ms. Lawyer! Welcome to our Project WOW webpage! I had such a great time with the students and learning more about Lincoln myself! We definitely had a great group of students! Project WOW has been a great experience for me and really showed me how to adapt lessons to the grade level. Right now, I am a senior at Eastern Illinois University. I am getting married May 23rd, 2009, and going to be student teaching next fall. I am excited to bring all of the new things I have learned this semester to my new 3rd graders I will be student teaching with in the fall. In my free time, I like to walk, be outside, play with my dog Bonnie, and go shopping. I have a brother in college, who is also wanting to be a teacher, After college, I hope to teach for a while and then go back to school to get my masters and teach at the college level. I hope you have enjoyed our website! Come back soon! :)
ms.logue Ms. Logue

Hello!! Welcome to Team 7's  Project WOW  webpage!  I have had  such a great time with our team this semester and I am sad that it is all coming to an end. Ms. Lawyer and I were so happy that we had a great team that would do anything we asked them to and they were all very well behaved. Project WOW has given me a great experience and many memories to take with me.  Working with our team and seeing them grow in knowledge about Abraham Lincoln was awesome!  I plan on taking the  experience that Project WOW has given me to my 5th grade classroom that I will be student teaching in , in the fall.  I am also a Senior at Eastern Illinois University  and am going to graduate with my degree in Elemetary Education.  Right now, I have a boyfriend who is serving our country in Afghanistan and I cannot wait till he comes home! In my free time I love to stay active so I try to find anything to do that gets me out of my house , whether it is sports, walking or just hanging out outside.  I love spending time with my family and I see them as much as I can.  I have 3 nieces and a nephew under the age of 7 and I love spending time with them. After college I plan on finding a job around my hometown and getting a job teaching at an Elementary school. Thanks for visiting our page! I hope you enjoyed seeing all of the things we did this semester! :)

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