Lincoln and Obama Facts

Here are all of the similarities between the two presidents we discussed in our lessons:

• Both Lincoln and Obama reached political prominence in Illinois, but were raised elsewhere. Lincoln was

  raised in Kentucky and Indiana; Obama was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia.

• Both were raised by women other than their mothers. Lincoln was raised by his 

  stepmother; Obama was raised by his grandmother.

• Both were relatively young when they took office. Lincoln was 51; Obama is  47.

• Both were lawyers before entering politics.

• Both served eight years in the Illinois Legislature: Lincoln served in the state House;

  Obama in the state Senate.

• Both were elected to the U.S. Congress and spent two years in Washington before

  running for president. Lincoln served one term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

  Obama served two years of his first U.S. Senate term.

• Both were criticized for being too inexperienced to run the country.

• Both are known for their excellent writing and speaking abilities.

• Both men entered the presidency during a time of war; Lincoln during the Civil War and Obama during the Iraq War.

• Neither man had any military experience.

• Both used the same Bible for their swearing-in ceremony on Inauguration Day.

• Both took a train to the inauguration.

 * Without Lincoln’s determination to keep the United States together and to end slavery, Obama could not have made his successful and historic run for the presidency. *

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