Jackie Robinson -
        From baseball to death
     It took awhile after meeting with Branch Rickey, before Jackie was allowed to play for the white major leagues.  In 1946, Jackie played for the Montreal Royals.  The Montreal Royals were the Dodgers top minor league team.  In April of 1947, Jackie was allowed to report to the Brooklyn Dodgers.
     While playing for the Dodgers Jackie faced a lot of discrimination.  For example, he was not allowed to stay in the same hotels or eat in the same restaurants as his white teammates.  The baseball fans were also very cruel to Jackie and his family, but Jackie wasn't going to give up easily. While Jackie played for the Brooklyn Dodgers they were very successful.  Jackie received many awards and honors because he was such a great player.  
     After retiring from baseball in 1957, he began working for Chock Full o' Nuts restaurants as the Vice President.  Jackie became the first African American elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962.  Jackie also continued to work for the Civil Rights movement until he died on October 24, 1972.  Jackie was only 52 years old.
This page was created by Jason, "Jackie had to make it through a lot of hard times to become the great hero he is today."
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