Jacques Cousteau Authors
From Carl Sandburg

Anika chose Jacques Cousteau for her global hero, because she likes to swim just like Jacques Cousteau.  Anika learned that Jacques Cousteau was a great inventor.  He created the aqualung, which is now SCUBA gear.
        Anika's Info Anika's Interests Anika's Future 
Jason chose Jacques Cousteau for his global hero, because he loves the ocean just like Jacques Cousteau.  Jason learned that Jacques Cousteau invented the first underwater house.
       Jason's Info Jason's Interests Jason's Future
Samuel chose Jacques Cousteau for his global hero, because he loves underwater animals just like Jacques Cousteau.  Samuel learned that Jacques Cousteau was a very famous oceanographer, who helped educate people about ocean pollution and prevention, and loved the oceans more than anyone else.
     Samuel's Info Samuel's Interests Samuel's Future