About the Beta Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon
The Eastern Illinois University chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon was established in 1935, as the second Illinois chapter and second Great Lakes region chapter.
The Beta Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon has seen over 1,450 students and faculty members join its roster, and continues to grow with exceptional students studying math and computer science.
Interested in joining Kappa Mu Epsilon? Contact our faculty advisor, Dr. Abidalrahman Moh'd at his email, mabidalrahman@eiu.edu.
2022-2023 Officers
The 2022-2023 officers for Kappa Mu Epsilon are:
- Student Leaders:
- Mary Luttrell, President
- Orrin Svika, Vice-President
- Emilie Fox, Secretary
- Will Bryan, Treasurer/Webmaster
- Faculty Advisors:
- Dr. Abidalrahman Moh'd
- Dr. Nancy Van Cleave