TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology


Project 9 Table Space and Table Creation


You will create a SQL script to create a tablespace and a table with the following requirements:

  1. You are creating a permanent tablespace. (10 points)

  2. The tablespace will be named as "testdata." (10 points)

  3. Use a datafile named "c:\temp\testdata.dbf" for the above tablespace with the following parameters: initial file size=124 K, maximum size=3 M. The file will be extended automatically if it is full during transaction. The DBMS server will reuse the datafile if it exists. (35 points) (Exact path and file name are required. In other words, if you do not have C:\temp folder, you need to create it before you work at this project.)

  4. Set default storage parameters as follows: The server will allocate one initial extent (100 K) for the data segment. When the initial extent is filled, the server will allocate the next extent (100K). It will update the next extent size to 100 K (i.e. with PCTINCREASE=0). Minimum extent will be 3 whereas maximum extent will be 100 for the tablespace. (20 points)

  5. Set the tablespace online. (10 points)

  6. Create a table named "tec5323student" with the following columns: id, first_name, last_name, date_enrolled, grade. The table will be stored in the tablespace created as above.(15 points)

  7. Please make sure that the exact spelling (as specified) is required on everything we do or create.

Please note that you will need to create a SQL script so that all the tasks can be executed at one time, which can be consistently documented and repeated during project testing and deployment.

Reference from Danny Harvey (Spring 2007)



Submit your project through WebCT. If you need instructions on how to submit, click here.

Please submit your SQL script for performing the tasks of this project. (SQL script is in .sql format, which can be run in Oracle as SQL>@filepath\file.sql, for example, SQL>@C:\temp\myscript.sql.)

Please use the same file convention for this course.


At the end of this week. Please see the course schedule for exact due date.

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School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University