TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Supplemental Reading of Chapter 7

Useful Tips for SQL Plus:

After you create a table, you may delete the table if you find the table is not what you want. To do this, you can issue the following SQL command:

SQL>DROP TABLE tablename;

For example, if you find CUSTOMER table is not what you like and you want to create another different table under the same name. Before you issue CREATE TABLE command, you have to drop the CUSTOMER table by using:

SQL>DROP TABLE customer;

This command is often used at the beginning of schema building script to ensure the table to be created does not exist.

For other useful tips, you may click here.


Off the Subject:

The human brain is special. It starts working as soon as you get up, and it doesn't stop until you get to school

--Milton Berle


Teacher: "What is the season after spring?"

Tommy: "Baseball season."


Class Index

School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University