Call for Submissions
Academy of Legal Studies in Business
Journal of Employment and Labor Law
The Journal of Employment and Labor Law is the official publication of the Employment and Labor Law Section of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. The editorial mission is to provide accurate and authoritative information and commentary on statutory, regulatory, and jurisprudential developments in employment and labor law, in a form that is practical and readily usable by management professionals, students, teachers, researchers, and writers in the fields of employment and labor law, and to encourage and facilitate research and writing about issues at the developing edge of these fields.
The Journal of Employment and Labor Law accepts submissions via the Express-O system (http://law.bepress.com/expresso/). All submissions should comply with the following Manuscript Guidelines.
Manuscript Guidelines:
The Journal will consider articles dealing with any issues of employment and labor law, but it is particularly interested in articles that discuss and analyze emerging developments in these areas, and that maintain a balance between theoretical considerations and practical applications. Articles should be from 10 to 30 double-spaced, 12-point, 1-inch margin, 8 1/2" X 11" pages including footnotes (10-point), as a Word document.
All works submitted for consideration are double-blind reviewed. Neither the body of the manuscript, nor any of the footnotes, may contain any information indicating the identity or affiliation of the author(s). Footnotes must conform to the requirements set forth in the most current edition of A Uniform System of Citation (Bluebook). Tables or charts should be appended, with a notation in the text indicating where they should be placed.
The Journal publishes only original works, and will not publish previously published works. Submission of a work to the Journal constitutes the author's declaration that the work is original and has never been published.