TEC 5970/INT 5970 Problem Solving
Problem Solving Technique III: Flow Chart
A flow chart is a diagramming tool that is used to trace a process from start to finish. It can be used for an entire, complicated process or for some segment of the process. Completed flow chart can be very helpful in finding the root cause of problems. Completed flow chart can be very helpful in finding the root causes of problems. In the problem solving sequence, making a flow chart of the process is usually one of the first steps. Brainstorming ensures that important process details are not omitted.When problems exist within a process or process segment, the problem solving team should clearly understand what is being done to the product at the various stages in the process. A completed flow chart should make the step by step procedure within the process clear to the entire team. In order to better present and understand the detailed process, standard symbols are used to indicate what is being done to the product, as in the following figure. This type of chart requires that everyone using the flow chart understand the symbols.
Flowchart symbol definition. Source: “Problem Solving Tools and Technique,” Saginaw Division, General Motors Corporation, Decatur, Alabama, pp. 20-23.
Example: Make a flowchart, complete with symbols for the process of buying a new car.
Solution:Step1: Brainstorm for process steps.Read the new car literature.
Decide on down payment.
Check your budget for maximum payments.
Visit a new car dealer.
Pick a car you like.
Discuss purchase price.
Find out about the payments.
Wait for the new car preparation.
Check Compucar (gives dealer costs on model and options).
Find out about extendable warranties.
Investigate the length of payment period.Check on loan rates.
Check the papers on price of your present car.
Narrow your choices of cars.Look at the cars on the lot.
Drive the car.
Discuss trade price.
Sign the papers and buy the car.
Pick up the car.Do a final inspection.
Drive the car home.Step 2: Make the flowchart.
Flowchart for buying a new car.
A. Using flow chart, describe the manufacturing process of a hydraulic fork lifter. To do so, you need to:
1. Brainstorm the details of the manufacturing process.
2. Use the standard symbols to configure the flow chart of major steps from the beginning.
3. Add more details on each major step.
B. Suppose you bought an antique furniture. Using flow chart to show a process of restoring the old furniture. Please follow the discussed process.
School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University