The Carl Sandburg Group Visits the EIU Archives

    We, along with the Abraham Lincoln Group, were invited to visit the Eastern Illinois Archives in Booth Library and talk with Kara, who works there.  She was able to show us very old books, written in the 1800s about Lincoln and we even got to see copies of really old Sandburg books.  Kara let us go into the back room where all the very important papers and old books are kept.
Here we are going down the long hall into the archives room, where lots of important material is protected.
This is Ben's favorite part of the trip.  He liked to go into the archives room, which was locked and barred, and look at the really old books.
The best part for Kelli was looking at the biography of Abraham Lincoln, written by Sandburg.

The group got to look at books that are so old and so special that they are locked in the archive room for safe keeping!


Thanks so much for showing us the Archives, Kara!

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