<>Marilyn Burns was born in Pennsylvania in 1941. She is still alive (63) and still teaching in California.
1941 was a busy year for the United States.

* Mount Rushmore was finished being built in 1941.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln

* Baseball was a big form of entertainment.

    ~ Joe Di Maggio started his record breaking 56 hitting streak.
    ~ Sadly this is the year that Lou Gehrig died.
    ~ The baseball playoffs were between the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers.

* President Franklin Roosevelt signed a bill making Thanksgiving an official holiday on every 4th Thursday in November.

* On December 7, 1941, the United States was bombed by Japan at Pearl Harbor. This was the start of the United States joining World War II.
Web Sites
Concept Map
Interesting Map
Mini Field Trip