Global Hero: Team Pictures

We worked hard learning all about Japan and making our Japanese flags.  We worked so hard we decided to show them off.



Here's just the kids.


All this work has made us a little silly......


 A little?  Well, maybe more then a little.


We met together in the computer lab at Eastern to work on our website.  Here is some evidence of all the hard work!


Miss Ashby and Mr. Trapani helping Zach, Tony, and Zach rate websites to include on our links page.


And here are Katie and Cheyenne 


Here you can see another group is sharing the computers with us.  However, here is Miss Stemle helping Victoria and Cheyenne.


Again you see Miss Stemle, Cheyenne, and Victoria but next to them are also Miss Ashby, Isis and Katie all working hard.

It seems... we're missing someone.  Oh yes!  Miss Slaughter, well, she's the one taking the pictures.  We can't expect her to be in two places at once.



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