To confirm your understanding on the course policy, students are required to submit a Microsoft WORD file through WebCT. In the file, please include the following:
1. Your full names (10 points)
2. Make a statement that you fully understand and intend to follow the course policy. (30 points)
3. In your own words, state the course policy on plagiarism. This includes what is plagiarism, and what is the consequence of plagiarism in the class. If you do not demonstrate your full and correct understanding of the plagiarism policy, you will lose points for this submission. (60 points)
Optional: Your signature (as it appears on your credit card.)
Please submit your assignment under Project/Submission in WebCT.
Convention for File Name: Please name your file as firstname_lastname_policy.doc, where firstname and lastname are your first and last name, respectively, and "_" is underscore. Starting from this point, the file naming convention will be enforced throughout this semester. Five (5) points will be taken off if the file is not named according to the convention.