TEC 5363 Database Security

School of Technology
Eastern Illinois University


Reading Assignments

Please refer to the schedule page for reading assignments every week.

Unrelated Matter:
Author: Sagun Piya (srpiya2)
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:28pm

Only in America...

Only in America...can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance...

Only in America...are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink...

Only in America...do people order double cheese burgers, a large fry, and a diet coke...

Only in America...do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters...

Only in America...do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and leave useless things and junk in boxes in the garage...

Only in America...do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place...

Only in America...do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight...