
Review Questions for
Chapter 1
Security Architecture

  1. Security is best described as being totally free from danger. True or false?
  2. Data is processed or transformed to become facts. True or false?
  3. Data anomalies exist when there is redundant data caused by un normalized data design.
  4. Human error vulnerabilities are most often related to carelessness implementation or following through on procedures. True or false?
  5. Malicious code is software code written by hobbyists to test their capabilities. True or false?
  6. A power failure is a type of natural disaster threat. True or false
  7. A system can become unavailable because of bad implementation of an authentication process. True or false?
  8. Which one of the following is not a component of an information system?
    • Programmer
    • Report
    • Business procedure
    • Physical asset
    9. Which one of the following is not a functionality of database management systems?
    • Allow users to validate data as it is entered
    • Allow developers and administrators to organize data
    • Enable developers and administrators to enforce data referential integrity and consistency.
    • Allow administrators to enforce and implement data security.

10. Which one of the following administrator function is enabled by a database management system?

    • Automatically back up data in case of a failure
    • Back up data in case of theft.
    • Back up data in case of an intrusion.
    • Back up data for auditing purposes.

11. Which one of the following is part of the information security triangle?

    • Intrusion
    • Integrity
    • Integral
    • Internal

12. Which one of the following is not part of typical information security architecture?

    • Policies and procedures
    • Business rules
    • Detection equipment
    • Auditing procedure and tools

13. Data risk results in which of the following?

    • Data performance
    • Data access
    • Data privileges
    • Data corruption

14. Which of the following Is not a logical asset?

    • Information system
    • Business application
    • In-house program
    • Purchased software

15. Outline the three components of the information security triangle and list one violation example for each.

16. Provide an example of how we can prevent access to an application database server.

17. Name three methods to enforce data integrity and provide an example for each method.

18. Provide three examples of people threats.

17. Explain how system vulnerabilities impact business.

18. Name three key measures that business may adopt to protect data.