
Review Questions for
Chapter 3 Administration of Users

  1. Using Enterprise Manager, create a windows integrated login and set the default database to pubs.
  2. Print an Oracle report (using SQL) that displays a list of all existing users in the database sorted by the name of the users who were created last month.
  3. Develop a script that prompt the administrator for an authentication type and then lists all users that are using that entered authentication using SQL.
  4. Lists all Oracle initialization parameters that are related to authentication.
  5. A lead developer called the other day to lock an account. Outline the steps that you would take to comply with the request.
  6. Log on to an Oracle database as SYS and lock the SYS and SYSTEM accounts. Explain what happened.
  7. List the system (data dictionary) table you would use to view all users in an Oracle database.
  8. Create a user using Oracle and try to connect to the database. Explain what happened for each user. (You need to create a new account and try to login. You will see why the question was created.)