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How to Become a Member...To become a member of the National Organization, students must complete a student membership application and submit it with payment to the Vice President of Membership or to one of the EIU Chapter Advisors. Student dues are $35.00 for national membership; an additional $20.00 will be levied by the EIU Chapter for financial purposes. A EIU SHRM shirt will be included with the EIU Chapter dues. You will receive one full year of service beginning at the time your application is processed by the national office. Please allow four to six weeks to process your application and remember to keep your address current with the Society throughout the membership year.
It is still not too late to join! No experience is required. Any questions about membership? Contact Brad Wells View the Membership Directory!
Executive Board Members |
President |
Giana Jenness |
Vice-President |
Anna Perrecone |
Treasurer |
Patrice Boyd |
Secretary |
Leah Shryock |
V.P. Awards |
Leah Shryock |
V.P. Programming |
Rob Devall |
V.P. Publicity |
Rob Devall |
V.P. Membership |
Patrice Boyd |
V.P. Fundraising |
Anna Perrecone |
Webmaster |
Anna Perrecone |
Advised by Denise Smith and Heather Jia
Serves as Chief Executive Officer of the chapter, presides over all meetings, calls executive meetings as needed, handles officer elections (once a year, or as needed), works closely with the chapter advisors, acts as the liaison between the national organization and the student chapter, stays current and announces any developments in the field of Human Resources, and demonstrates leadership among his/her chapter members.Executive Vice President
Takes the President's place in the event of absence from chapter meetings, performs duties designated by the president, oversees the Vice Presidential Officers, guides and helps Vice Presidential Officers with plans, ideas, concerns, etc.; takes an active part in chapter projects.Secretary
Keeps records of the proceedings at all chapter meetings and executive meetings and keeps records (except financial) of all chapter projects and outcomes.Treasurer
Responsible for the financial affairs of the chapter (i.e. chapter financial records, writing checks for all chapter expenses), keeps the Executive Board informed of the financial position of the chapter, and works with the Executive Board in preparing SHRM's chapter budget; also works with the Vice President of Fundraising to ensure proper usage of chapter funds.Vice President of Programming
Works with chapter advisors to arrange guest speakers for chapter meetings, introduces the guest speakers at the chapter meetings, arranges chapter visits to local companies, provides follow-up for all guest speakers and site visits, is encouraged to speak with other student organizations about planning joint activities.Vice President of Awards
Oversees the fulfillment of the Student Chapter Merit Award application process and keeps members updated about information concerning national student awards and scholarships available through SHRM (look into the student web site at www.shrm.org/students/).Vice President of Publicity
Makes and posts notices (i.e. flyers and monitor displays) of meetings and events, arranges publicity for special events, updates SHRM's display case (LH 1st floor), plans ways for the chapter to become a more recognized student organization on Eastern's campus, by professionals in the field of Human Resources, and by the national organization.Vice President of Membership
Actively solicits new members throughout his/her term, arranges and handles the recruitment table (to be set-up once a semester in Lumpkin Hall), plans and controls projects in efforts to recruit new members (FOR EXAMPLE, have SHRM bookmarks made and distributed and/or hold an end-of-the-year canned food drive).Webmaster
Posts notices of meetings and events, and continuously updates Eastern's SHRM web site, and helps plan ways for the chapter to become a more recognized student organization on Eastern's campus, by professionals in the field of Human Resources, and by the national organization.