TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Project 1 Oracle Installation


Install Oracle8i, Oracle 9i, Oracle10g or Oracle 11g database on your own computer. Only one of the following tasks is required.

  • Install Oracle8i/9i/10g/11g enterprise edition if your hardware and operating system meet the requirements (Windows NT/2000/XP, 512 MB RAM).

  • Install Orale8i/9i/10g personal edition if you have Windows 98 and 128 MB RAM.

  • If you are concerned about the possibility of slow performance by your computer, you may elect to install Oracle 10g Express Edition. The Express Edition will work for this course as well.

    You will need to download the software from Oracle Technology Net (OTN). See installation instruction on OTN.

Submit your project report in Microsoft Word format through WebCT. If you need instructions on how to submit, click here.

Please include the following information in your MS Word file:

1. Your Full Name
2. Version of Oracle8i/9i/10g/11g database installed.
3. Operating System
4. A screen shot that shows you were able to login Oracle database though SQL Plus. An example of the screen shot could be as follows:


screen shot



Convention for File Name: Please name your file as firstname_lastname_project1.doc, where firstname and lastname are your first and last names, respectively, and "_" is an underscore. Please note that the file naming convention for project is required for this course. You will expect to lose five (5) points if you do not follow the file naming convention.




At the end of this week. Please see the course schedule for exact due date.

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School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University