TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Objectives of Week 3

(Updated May 2019)

This chapter introduces the basic server programming techniques using PL/SQL language. PL/SQL is another core of database technology. Database server programming is useful for improving productivity and maintaining data validity. In this chapter, you are expected to master the following concepts or techniques:


      1. PL/SQL programming fundamentals.
      2. PL/SQL blocks.
      3. Program flow control.
      4. Interacting with database.
      5. Using procedures and functions.
      6. %TYPE and %ROWTYPE.
      7. Working with cursors.
      8. Exception handling: purpose.
      9. Predefined and user-defined exception.
      10. Stored procedures and function.
      11. Packages.
      12. Database triggers.

Summer Students: Please note that your textbook does not cover the content of this week. Please follow my class note for this week, and conduct some research from the Internet.

Have fun.



School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University