TEC 5323 Advanced Database Technology

Tips for Final Project

  1. Use Notepad or Wordpad to write your code. Never use Microsoft Word or any word processing software.

  2. After you write anything in the code (for example, CREATE USER tec5323 IDENTIFIED BY ...), save it as final.sql file. Before saving the file, please make sure to choose "All Files." Never use "Text Document (*.txt)."

  3. You may test your code, after you have written something meaningful in the file by using SQL>@c:\temp\final.sql. (I assumed you have saved your sql script file into c:\temp\ directory. Change it accordingly, if you did something different.)

  4. You may add more code into your final.sql file and test it using the way above. However, before you test it again, use the following sql command to clean up your database:
  • SQL>CONNECT INTERNAL; (This is for Oracle8i. If you have Oracle9i, use SQL>CONNECT / AS SYSDBA; Please note there is a space before and after the "/.")
  • DROP USER tec5323 CASCADE; (This action will drop everything you created from running your previous code. Please make sure to spell CASCADE correctly.)

    To be more efficient, you may add the above two (2) statements at the beginning of your script file after you make sure they work. Every time when you test your script, it will reset everything before it does the work for you.

5. Repeat the above process until you are able to accomplish all required tasks.


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School of Technology
College of Business & Applied Sciences
Eastern Illinois University