Explorer’s Discoveries
America learned…
hard the expedition was
to speak different languages (Vanessa)
of the Native Americans
kind of diseases they had (Vanessa)
long the journey took (Vanessa)
water routes were
features such as mountains
America would…
be here right now if it wasn’t for the Lewis and Clark
still live in the 13 colonies (Erin)
know anything about the western side of the U.S.
have been doubled in size
Why is the
expedition important today?
were on a long journey and all survived but one.
expedition was an amazement to us. (Vanessa)
learned different languages. (Abby)
would not be hard today, but it sure was back then!
learned so much about our country.
Corps discovered lots of things, such as plants and animals like grizzly
bears. (Isaac)
importantly, in today’s scary world, we can learn how our country
what it is, and we can see how much we appreciate it.
Plants and Animals |
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