John Muir's Contributions


John Muir was very well known for inventing an alarm clock.  This alarm clock would tip him out of bed at the time he wanted to get up in the morning. What a way to wake up!

John Muir also made a lot of other clocks out of wood.


John Muir wrote a lot of books including:

Our National Parks
The Yosemite
Travels in Alaska
A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf
The Story of My Boyhood and Youth

Father of Our National Parks

John Muir helped preserve many of the national parks we have in our nation today.  Thanks to him, we can still enjoy the wildlife outdoors!!

National Parks Muir helped preserve:

Sequoia National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
Petrified Forest National Park
Mount Rainier National Park
Yosemite National Park

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