The Life of John Muir

1838 - April 21, John Muir was born in Dunbar, Scotland

1849 - Immigrated to Wisconsin at the age of eleven

1867 - Muir became temporarily blind in a work accident

1867 - Took a 1000 mile walk from Madison, Wisconsin to the Gulf of

1879 - Proposed to Louis Strenzel

1890 - Muir helps make Yosemite a national park

1890 - John Muir helps establish Sequoia National Park

1892 - Founded Sierra Club

1894 - Published first book Mountains of California

1899 - Helped establish Muont Rainier as a national park

1906 - Assisted in making Petrified Forest a national monument

1908 - Grand Canyon National Park established

1909 - Published Stickeen and other books

1914 - December 28, John Muir dies of pneumonia in Los Angeles

1916 - Congress creates National Park Service

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