The ABC's of Rachel Carson

Our biggest product that lasted throughout Project WOW was creating ABC books about Rachel Carson.  Here are some excerpts from our books, along with some of the pictures we drew.
A is for Animals.  Rachel wanted to save all animals from pesticides and pollution.  

Animals drawn by Katelyn.

B is for Bees.  Before Rachel helped, bees were dying from pesticides and pollution.
C is for Cows.  Cows were being affected by pesticides in their food and water.

Cow, drawn by Miles.

D is for Ducks.  Ducks were dying as a result of pesticides.

E is for Eggs.  Due to the pesticides, egg shells were thinner and even broke when a
           bird would sit on them.

F is for Food.  All types of food are affected by pesticides and pollution.

G is for Geese.  The homes of geese were being polluted.

H is for Horses.  Horses were getting sick when their food was affected by pesticides.

Horse, drawn by Nichole

I is for Insects.  Insects were one of the pests that pesticides were meant to kill.

Insects, drawn by Drew.

J is for Johns Hopkins.  Rachel went to college at Johns Hopkins University .

K is for spiders that were Killed.  Pesticides caused spiders to die.

Spider killed by pesticides, by Ben.

L is for Lions.  Lions were dying as a result of pesticides and pollution.

M is for Microscope.  Rachel lived to study organisms using her microscope.  

N  is for No pesticides.  Rachel Carson led the fight against pesticides.

O  is for Oil.  Oil is a form of pollution that affects ocean animals.  

P is for Pollution.  Pollution can be stopped if people work together to get rid of it.

Q is for Question.  Rachel liked to question different things that people put into the

R is for Rachel Carson.  Rachel was an author, an environmentalist, a zoologist, a
           scientist, and a doctor.

S is for Silent Spring.  Rachel's most famous book was called Silent Spring.

Silent Spring, by Sam

T is for Taking chances.  Rachel took a chance by telling people that pesticides were 
           bad for the environment because most people were in favor of them.

U is for Under the Sea-Wind.  Rachel's first book was Under the Sea-Wind.

V is for Vegetables.  Vegetables were one of the main types of food that were being
           affected by pesticides.

W is for the World.  Rachel saved the world from pesticides and pollution by writing  
           her book Silent Spring.

X is for eXamine.  Rachel took a closer look and examined what else besides pests
           were dying from pesticides.

Y is for Young.  Even young people can save the earth.

Z is for Zebras.  Zebras were affected by pesticides.