See our Work
We spent a lot of time learning about Rachel Carson.
 Here is a quick look at what we learned and what we did:

Lesson 1:
During this lesson, we learned all about Rachel Carson's life by looking
at different books and web sites about her life.  We also began our "ABC's of
Rachel Carson" books.  See the ABC page to view our work from this lesson.

The ABC's of Rachel Carson

Lesson 2:
During this lesson, we learned that Rachel Carson is an environmentalist,
and that we can be environmentalists too. We also created books that
show the sources of pollution and what we could do to stop them.  
Here are some pictures of the work we did during this lesson:

crlp2a   crlp2c   crlp2c

Lesson 3:
In this lesson, we read and acted out the book
Professor Noah's Spaceship.  Then, we tested different water
samples and created water observation booklets to record our results.  
Here are some pictures of our work and of us testing the samples.

crlp3a      cflp3c

Lesson 4:
During this lesson, we read a part of Rachel Carson's famous
book Silent Spring.   We then took a closer look at pesticides
and how they can affect all living things.  Then, we created
diagrams that show how these pesticides travel from organism
to organism.  Here are pictures from this lesson:

crlp4a  crlp4b

crlp4c  crlp4d

Lesson 5:  
During this lesson we learned about Rachel Carson's love of the
 ocean and her desire to live by, study, and write about the ocean.
  We then read an booklet about different ocean zones and made a chart
that displayed our findings.  Here are some pictures of the lesson and our work.

crlp5a  crlp5b

crlp5c             crlp5d

Lesson 6:
During this lesson, we learned about ocean animals.  We focused especially on
different kinds of whales.  We measured the sizes of whales using yarn,
and then we played a game that demonstrated the use of echolocation,
a technique that whales use to find their way around the ocean.  Here are some pictures of the lesson:

crlp6a     crlp6b

crlp6c     crlp6d