Links to Learn More
Here are a few web sites to help you
learn more about Rachel and her interests.

Rachel Carson's Official Site

 Miles thought that this site had fantastic
pictures information about Rachel's books.


The Time 100: Time Magazine's Top 100 Scientists and Thinkers

Nichole really liked all the the pictures on this website.

Rachel Carson's Homestead

Sam enjoyed the pictures on this page, especially the
one that shows Rachel’s house.


The Environmental Protection Agency's Kid Site

This was our favorite website!  Drew said that this site
 has awesome games that help us to learn about the environment

The National Fish and Wildlife Service Page

Rachel Carson worked in this agency.  Ben liked
 that the website shows us her books and tells us
a little bit about them.  Katelyn said that the website
tells us lots of information about Rachel Carson.

Picture Sources:  and